Haymarket/Gainesville Community:
Bridge to Balance, LLC is constantly looking for ways to give back and stay involved in our community efforts. Bridge to Balance, LLC has offered pro-bono counseling for those impacted immediately by crises in our community. In addition, we have assisted in financial and mental health education for non-profits such as local churches, Carried to Full Term, and Serve Our Willing Warriors. If you are looking for mental health education for your non-profit, please feel free to reach out to Bridge to Balance to inquire about being a potential partner.
World Missions: Everlasting Light Program
After Kristi Gibney graduated she was inspired to start a non-profit counseling program in the slums of Nairobi, Kenya. She traveled to Kenya for five weeks in June 2009 and started Everlasting Light. Everlasting Light counseling was started to provide students in the Kawangware slum with counseling, leadership, and supportive relationships. In Kenya, Everlasting Light had a play therapy and counseling room at World Hope Academy through the World Hope organization. The World Hope organization is dear to my heart as they continue programs for community outreach, education, medical and health initiatives, and the savings of souls; to become a partner of this organization please go to www.weareworldhope.com.